LFC Raleigh

LFC Raleigh

Official Liverpool F.C. Supporter's Club

The Golden Sky – Chapter One

We were sitting on the back porch of the rental house just outside of Annapolis, Maryland. The clock read a few minutes past midnight as I finished the last bits of some local craft beer I bought earlier in the day at the local gas station. It would’ve been in my best interests to call… (read more)

A Simple Plan

We’re heading into the business end of the season, and I can honestly tell you that it’s been a long time since I have felt this good as a Liverpool supporter.  Every time the lads step on the pitch, I genuinely expect dominance followed by a victorious result.  This team given me every reason to… (read more)

Focus on the Football

It’s been a frustrating January for nearly every Liverpool fan, truly was the textbook definition of a roller-coaster ride.  The club finally brought in big Virgil in a record-breaking transfer to open the new year, just in time for him to head home the late game winner to knock out the Bitters in the FA… (read more)

The Lovren Affair

I had an epiphany yesterday.  Sitting at the pub enjoying the first few sips of my Guinness, I watched Sevilla’s Wissam Ben Yidder slam home the opening goal into an empty net from six yards out.  To be perfectly honest, I wasn’t paying a whole lot of attention to the play as we were only… (read more)

The Ox Enigma

I had an interesting exchange on social media with a friend as we debated Liverpool’s position in the transfer window.  Even though we have exactly 49 days remaining in this current window, fans are getting nervous at the recent lack of activity from the club.  Many names are still being linked to the club, but… (read more)